Surupa Sen

Dancer • Nrityagram

Surupa Sen was the first student at Nrityagram, where she began her training with the architect of Odissi - Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra. She also learned Odissi with Guru Protima Gauri, Guru Ratikant Mahapatra and Guru Bichitranandan Swain.

She studied Abhinaya with Guru Kalanidhi Narayanan and the Natyashastra under the supervision of Dr. Padma Subrahmanyam. For over two decades, Surupa has worked to research and expand the dance vocabulary of Odissi, and developed an aesthetic style that distinguishes the dancers from the Nrityagram School.

Attracted to choreography from childhood, Surupa has focussed on making new dances using an expanded Odissi language, rooted in traditional Odissi and the Natyashastra.

She has a keen talent for music and rhythm composition and has worked closely with Pt. Raghunath Panigrahi since 1999.

Bangalore India


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